Our Mission and Philosophy

Our philosophy at Lammi Publishing is that we cannot forget. Our mission is to be a method of remembrance. Canadian military history has shaped not only our politics and government, but our society as well.  Canadians naturally take pride in our famous victories in Western Europe, Afghanistan and South Africa.  From the oceans to the air, Canadians have done their duty with skill and valor.  Peacekeeping operations have taken our forces far and wide bringing hope and security to so many. Canadian uniforms have been seen around the world as harbingers of liberation, from Belgium in WWI to the Netherlands in WWII to Yugoslavia in the 1990’s.

It is only by having easy access to material on these events that we can understand them, put them in context and remember.  Information, analysis, and the memoires of those who served should be readily available instead of being locked away in a desk or a long forgotten bookcase in the back of a library.  We will endeavor to bring those stories to you, with your assistance.

The rise of electronic books means that it is now possible for anyone to easily compile a library that would rival the best that our public libraries or universities can offer.  No more worries about short print runs and the vagaries of the antiquarian market.

The ebooks that we sell through this website will not have DRM.  If you purchase a file you should be able to back it up and store it how you choose.  However, some of our retailers view this differently, so we will do what we can to work with them.

In the very near future we hope to be bringing you exciting news about our launch titles.  To keep in touch, please subscribe to our mailing list or follow us on one of our social networks in the sidebar.